Faraway Tree – Mairi and Ella

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10 Responses to Faraway Tree – Mairi and Ella

  1. h.westbrook says:

    What a fantastic story girls! I can tell you both really worked hard on this and it shows! Well done, you should be very pleased 🙂

  2. James says:

    Lovely use of direct speech. I can hear them speaking to each other now

  3. Ella Skidmore says:

    Great story

  4. Charlie (a.k.a boff boy) says:

    Great story girls! 5 stars, surely! very exciting!

  5. grace says:

    I love the story girls and it was almost captured inside there and I could imagine being inside the land of king and queens because you set the seen really well and I would love to be Joe Beth or Fannie but maybe not Beth as she was caught in a battle field! I loved the story and it was exiting to read! 🙂

  6. grace says:

    cheers grace ;0

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